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Fox Pack News!

Hello! Fox Class Parents!

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January 31st-Early Release at 2pm


We are continuing our work in Unit 4 of Literacy! We are working on the Unit 4 sight words. Last week I introduced the sight word: are. We are also working on short vowel sounds, segmenting, blending, and ending sounds. We are continuing our work on writing narrative stories and are continuing to discuss how to fill out an IPlanner. This week we read a new book, Apple Pie Fourth of July! We then worked on comparing the characters, events, and details of I Love Saturdays y Domingos and Apple Pie Fourth of July using a double bubble thinking map! This week for writing we wrote about family traditions that our families have. We really enjoyed telling our friends about the traditions our families have!


We are continuing our learning in Unit 4 of Math! We are counting on our number chart everyday and also counting our straws. We talk about how many straws are in the tens and ones place, and how we bundle them when we get to a set of ten. This week we talked about the different ways we can make ten! We played a game of making ten go fish in small groups! We also played a game called spill 10 beans. For this game we had a cup of 10 counters that we would spill out on to the table. Then we had to sort the counters based on color of red and yellow. Next we had to color the ten frame of counters on our paper and write the number sentence. Such as if I had 5 yellow side up counters and 5 red side up counters my number sentence would be 5+5= 10. We had a lot of fun playing these games! Next week we will be working on number bonds and adding!


We continued our unit of weather this week! We continue to track the weather each day as a part of our morning routine. This week we talked about how people can stay cool in hot weather. One way we discovered is using shaded. We talked about different objects we could use to give us shade from the sun, such as an umbrella or a hat. Then we did an investigation where we worked with a partner to design a structure to keep a sandbox cool and then tested one of our structures using a sun lamp! The structure we tested worked!

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